Goblet Squat Standards

This month we are featuring the goblet squat as our primary lower body movement, so let’s discuss the benefits and some strength standards we’d like to see you shoot for over the next few weeks. When it comes to training the average person, there is no rival to the goblet squat in efficiency and effectiveness. There is a minimal learning curve and the way you hold the weight essentially forces you into a good squat pattern- chest and shins vertical, abs activated, hips shoulder width apart, feet flat and locked into the floor. Goblets are excellent at building strength and muscle tone in the glutes, hamstrings, adductors, quadriceps, lats, core, and arms.  

We use this exercise an awful lot during our training at OPFC, and we sadly see many of you always grabbing the same weights each time no matter what the sets or reps are for the day. That sh!t ain’t gonna fly this month! Below I have listed out what we have coined as the “Standard”, “Expert”, and “Game Changer” categories to shoot for both men and women. 

MEN’S24kg for 10 reps32kg for 10 reps48kg for 10 reps
WOMEN’S16kg for 10 reps24kg for 10 reps32kg for 5 reps

We challenge you all to shoot for at least the “Expert” level this month, but we want you all to be game changers. Give it your best shot and let’s build some strong legs for September! 

Yours in strength,

Nick and Tom