Ways to Enjoy the Rest of Winter

This certainly has not been one of the worst winters in recent memory, but it hasn’t really provided a lot of snow to participate in any of the snowy winter outdoor activities many typically enjoy, like skiing, ice fishing, sledding, ice skating. Just like every other winter though, many of us have been struck by the winter blues, so I would like to strike you with a few ideas to get outside and enjoy the remaining days of winter!

Did you know that when you participate in physical activity outdoors, your ability to consume oxygen and balance CO2 levels internally is increased? Did you also know that because of your body’s increased ability to exchange the two gasses, you can burn calories at a higher rate than when indoors? BOOM! Now you know, and there is your first reason to get off your bum and go outside. 

Another more commonly known benefit of being outside is the body’s amazing ability to produce Vitamin D. In as little as 15 minutes of sun exposure, your body can produce 5,000 IU of vitamin D, which is the minimum daily amount needed for cells and bones to function properly. Here is another perk of sun-produced vitamin D… it can be stored in your body fat! So, there is some benefit to having a little extra body fat for the winter. Another fun fact: you do not need to be exposed to direct sunlight to receive vitamin D. Just because it is an overcast day and you cannot see the sun doesn’t mean you won’t get some good UV ray benefit! 

Now this final benefit is more opinion than it is fact- being outdoors and participating in nature makes you happy! The long weekend grants many of us an extra day to spend with family, friends, and the surroundings God has provided us. Right here in Lake Country, we have access to so many wonderful outdoor opportunities- lakes, rivers, hiking trails, bars, restaurants, dog parks, and more. If you’re not creative enough to find your own adventure, check out lakecountryfamilyfun.com for some ideas of what to do this weekend.  

Now plan some time to get outside this week, and make the most of this exceptionally warm February! 

Nick and Tom