Find Some Time for Your Primal Self

Americans seem to be categorized as one of two things: Either constantly running around from one activity to the next, or sedentary and lazy. Humans are not designed to be sedentary and lazy, nor are we designed to be constantly on the go. There needs to be a proper balance between the two. My thought for today is that we need to go back in time and find our primal selves again. 

Our genes aren’t that far off from our primitive ancestors. We are about 99.9% genetically the same. Our body requires similar movement and energy consumption. In other words, our bodies aren’t evolved enough to sit and do nothing  while also maintaining optimal health. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Our bodies deteriorate when we don’t move, and when we eat solely chemically processed and packaged foods. It is time we re-adapt to our primal ways, and I want to help show you the way. 


The goal is to try to incorporate these styles of living in today’s world. Here are the general guidelines:

  • Eat when you’re hungry, and eat well. This means eating less processed “garbage”, and instead consuming more raw produce items. Think fresh vegetables, fruits, eggs, meats, and so on. It also involves less absent-minded eating. Become more mindful when you eat.
  • Participate in low impact aerobic activity every day – such as walking or yoga.
  • Participate in a blend of heavy strength training and HIIT – every now and again. Our ancestors would use high-intensity activity to get away from an immediate threat – but this threat didn’t happen every day.
  • Expose yourself to sunlight every day if you can. There are so many proven physical and mental health benefits of doing this.
  • Play more! As adults, we often forget how to have fun. Let loose. Play a game. Laugh. This leisure time is a vital part of a happy and long life.
  • Exercise your brain. With technology, we do this less and less. Our brain is what causes our body to function properly and function well. If it’s not in optimal health, how can you expect the rest of your body to be? Read, solve puzzles, play games with strategy involved, practice an instrument, or get creative.

This lifestyle is all based around being more mindful and present within your own environment. It may sound silly, but technology has taken away a lot of that much needed personal connection that we all crave. 


Just as we have discussed the past few weeks, it’s all about making small changes and sticking to them. Step one can be focusing on getting enough sleep each night. Step two could be cleaning up your nutrition. Start by throwing away *most* of the processed mumbo jumbo in the pantry (having some guilty pleasures every now and then is okay), and start shopping for fresh locally sourced whole foods. Step three might be learning to cook with these foods. Try new recipes! For some ideas, you can check our social media pages for our Monday Munchies posts. Step four- begin a routine of at least walking or doing light stretching every day, and sprinkle in a few heavy days and some interval training. Step five is to challenge your brain each day for 10-20 minutes. This could include reading, solving puzzles, playing games with strategy, practicing an instrument, or just get creative! 

There’s no time like the present to start something new and challenging, 

Nick and Tom 

P.S. If you are interested in learning a bit more about primal life and some of the outstanding health benefits, I highly encourage you to read the book The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson. It is a fantastic and easy read!