Let’s Go’s and Oh No’s of Healthy Habits

It is officially springtime y’all! I can already smell that sweet scent of grilled brats and light beer at a cookout, hear the sound of baseball bats ringing, boats motoring down the shoreline… and along with all the warm weather fun, comes nutritional challenges at every turn. That’s why I would like to walk you through the “Let’s go’s!!!!” and “Oh no’s” of healthy habits as we enter into tailgate and cookout season. 

Let’s Go!!! 


Continue focusing on hitting your macronutrient goals each day. Remember that alcohol counts as a carbohydrate, so if you are hitting the IPA’s after some yard work, try to avoid the bun on your burger! 

  • Protein 3-4x a day will help keep you satisfied and minimize the need to reach for unhealthy foods. In at least 2 meals, the portion should be the size of your hand.
  • Carbohydrates are needed for energy and to maximize your energy production each day. Your goal should be to get 1-2 “closed fist” sized servings of carbs each day. Do your best to keep this selection in the whole food realm and steer clear of processed grains and pasta. 
  • Fats can be tricky as they can hide in many delicious foods, like potato salads, burgers, brats, and guacamole. Try to limit your fat intake to the length and width of your fingers.


When it comes to exercise habits, we always want to strongly encourage you to hit 2-3x a week of resistance training. This does not change by the seasons, but what does change is the frequency you can participate in low-level activities like walking, running, hiking, swimming, biking, gardening, kayaking, water skiing, playing sports outside, and many other activities. In addition to your 2-3x a week coming into the club, we want you to get outside and move as much as possible! The more you move and get outside the better chances you’ll have of not only being healthier, but also reaching your body composition goals! Two for one right there. 


We talk about this all the time, but it is all the more important to prioritize recovery during the summer. We are tempted to stay up later with longer daylight hours, and we can’t deny the Wisconsin effect- there will be alcohol everywhere! 

  • Do your best to limit alcoholic beverages to 3-5 servings. You can clear the alcohol quickly, reduce the chance of a hangover, and reduce the damaging effects on lean muscle by sticking to this window. 
  • Minimize screen time. It’s going to be getting warm and sunny soon (ignore the snow this weekend), so get outside and enjoy the fresh air.

Oh No!!!


I touched on some of these topics above, but I will reiterate the importance of them here. 

  • Avoid excessive carbohydrates, specifically junk foods like chips, over-processed grains, pasta, chocolates, sweets, and alcohol such as beer.
    **There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a slice of pie or some of your favorite sweet tooth foods, just don’t overdo it! Everything in moderation.**
  • Watch out for the fatty brats, hotdogs, and hamburgers. A good cookout will always have these options, but make sure to keep an eye out for overeating your fat content. 


You don’t find time. You make time. It will be tempting to skip workouts during the nice weather stretches, but it is critical to keep working on building your strength and lean muscle mass so you can wear what you want to the beach! 


As I mentioned above, it will again be tempting to stay up late, drinking your IPAs and telling stories around the campfire. Don’t neglect your sleep! 

I hope this list will help to keep you on the straight and narrow as the summer comes near. 

Yours in strength, 

Nick and Tom