What Should I Do On Vacation?

It’s hard to believe that spring break is already on deck, especially with all the warm weather we have had the past few weeks! Over the next month or so, Tom and I will be fielding a ton of questions about “what should I do while I’m on vacation?”. It can be very challenging to motivate yourself to exercise when you’re on vacation, so I thought it would be a good idea to share some simple ways to mix in some training sessions that won’t interfere with your umbrella drinks and late-night adventures.

Tip #1: Don’t stress out about eating and drinking all the bad things you’re supposed to be avoiding. You are on vacation- enjoy yourself! 

Tip #2: Go for a walk on the beach (or wherever you are), it’s exercise! Add some lunges, skipping, or maybe some barefoot walking and you have just earned a gold star! 

Tip #3: If you work up the ambition to hit the hotel/B+B gym for a training session, keep it light and quick. Sessions should be 15-20 minutes long at the maximum.

Tip #4: Head to our YouTube channel for workout ideas. We have over 100 videos posted to our YouTube channel, and they are perfect for training while traveling. Here is a link to our page.

If you need a little extra guidance, here is a simple 6-exercise circuit you can do with minimal equipment: 

Goal is to finish the workout in roughly 15-20 minutes with minimal rest between each exercise and set. Perform anywhere from 2-5 sets of each exercise in a circuit fashion (one exercise after the other).

1. Goblet squat x10 reps holding each rep for 5 seconds at the bottom

2. Push-Up x5-10 reps

3. Bird Dog x10 reps

4. TRX (or DB row) x5-10 reps

5. Plank x 30- 60 seconds 

6. Punch Crunch x5 reps each side

There you have it. When you’re on vacation, especially with your family, it is all about making memories and enjoying the people around you. Fill in some spare time with light exercise, then get back to the party! 

Enjoy your vacations, 

Nick and Tom